
I get fed up with constant mention of “equality”. Truth be known, nobody in The Establishment really wants it otherwise we'd have a nation full of Prime Ministers. They also know that nobody really knows what it means in the greater context of all society either.

If we're talking equal opportunities, I know what that means. It means that both the capable person and the slightly less capable make it to the interview stage, with the most capable person for that specific role getting the job (we're all capable of doing different things, so it balances out). But then there's the demographic issue. For example, with equal opportunities, we'll no doubt find that more men become hod carriers than women. We'll also find that more women become beauty therapists than men. If that woman can shift more bricks in an hour than her male interviewee counterpart, she should get the job because she's obviously better at it. Likewise if a man does a better job of manicures than his female interviewee counterpart. But these aren't likely scenarios, so the demographics in these professions stick, because like it or not, the two genders are different (with the exception of those on high amounts of hormone replacements, that is).

“Equality” is bandied around like sweets amongst kids on mufti day at the end of term. “More equality”, we're all promised by the BBC on behalf of their pay masters in The House of Commons. But equality in and within what exactly? Are 7 apples equal to 7 lumps of gold bullion? Most would say no. But if you're starving to death you can only eat the apples. Are 7 dustmen equal to 7 computer programmers? Most would say no, at least in an academic sense. But academia goes out the window when your bins are flowing into the street and attracting every rat your side of the Thames. You don't need a dustman when you want some software developed. Does that make the dustman unequal? I don't think so.

Racial equality perhaps? Maybe. But bearing in mind that under Labour, Hackney's black youth haven't exactly benefited academically, we're expected to believe that all that will change by voting them in again (that's right, 12 years of zilch and it'll all change with one cross next to a box next June!). And the definition of what constitutes a "race" is becoming more obscure by the day. British gypsies with British ancestry are considered a different "race" because of how they choose to live. Soon chavs and social miscreants will be considered a race, then low earners, until in the end it's almost an individual thing, and any individual slur against anyone will be considered racist and a breach of "personal and racial equality".

Gender equality perhaps? How long before we move away from the plain concept of women being equal to men, to something far more complicated and blurred that even our newspeak pedaling masters don't understand fully? 33 year old women aren't equal to 32 year old men. Brown haired women of 5'6 with green eyes not filling enough estate agent positions? It will end up being that precise. Trust me. It's unworkable and it's meant to be.

Equality is a pretence (perhaps even a dream for some) thrown around by lefties who want to stay in power for longer - nothing else. Vote against us and you're voting against “equality”. Well, lefty comrades, give me a comprehensive report on what you think equality is, and I'll tell you why I don't agree with any of it and why I think it's a load of time wasting tosh. Its current definition is giving free money to lazy people who have never worked and never will because they don't have to (and all the jobs have gone anyway). It's giving free houses to idiot girls (who get pregnant by idiot boys who don't stick around to pay up, and are never pursued by the idiot authorities) just so they can get a free house. Again, it's about money, not opportunity to excel. In fact it's quite the opposite. Giving feckless chavs more money to spend on drink and weed doesn't make them equal at all. It simply matches them up in terms of buying power with those who've worked for it. They're still just as disliked as the equality juggernaut doesn't understand human nature. It only understands political power and how to buy it off idiots who don't ask questions. It means lazy people can buy bigger TVs, spend more in the shops and make more money for big business. Up until recently they qualified for bigger loans, which made the banks look good in terms of supposedly incoming assets and pushed up the share prices. It's about buying power. Neo-consumerism, if you will.

If they cared so much about equality of opportunity, as opposed to equality of personal expenditure, they'd have kept the grammar schools, the only viable alternative for kids from working class backgrounds to compete with those who are privately educated. But they didn't. They don't want competition from the ghettos they created. They don't want their own kids being outperformed, out-witted, and ultimately outmanoeuvred by regular kids from regular families that live in three bed semis and shop at Asda. It's why so many Establishment send their own children to private schools - to gain an advantage - to be more equal than others. They hate the system they created because they understand its true purpose. To create resentment, and keep the jobs and positions in society that they deem to be profitable free for them and their offspring.

People get left in the gutter because that's where The Establishment want them. All parties benefit from someone being left to rot and grow moss, so there will always be someone, somewhere left to rot and grow moss because nobody would ever vote otherwise.

I find myself wondering how far the equality industry will go. Will it reach a point where everyone in the country is counted, squared off into an even number and bunched up so we can all have the same amount of friends allocated to us to avoid offending unpopular people? Will it mean we all have to have TVs of the same size to avoid offending people with old style tubes? The same types of cars to avoid offending Nissan Micra drivers who get upset when a Porsche overtakes them on the M25? Will tall kids have their legs broken and parts of the shins removed to make them smaller to prevent jealousy from stumpy kids? Will gardens be banned to avoid offending people who live in flats?

This “equality” is never going to happen because nobody any longer knows what it is, and is why The Establishment will persevere with it. They know if enough people buy into it by feeling discriminated against, they will always have an excuse to intervene, to make new laws, invent new taxes and alienate even more people along the road to civil war, which will only be ended by a brutal police state regime which they will take great delight in enforcing on us. Vote for us if you want your home protected! And all for what. So a bunch of charlatans can keep their snouts in the trough for just a few more years.

But there are only 646 of them. There are (officially) 61 million of us. I look forward to when the realisation kicks in and someone puts together some makeshift stocks.

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